Friday, December 19, 2014

Sofia Fe

Starting in May, Juan and I began to fall in love with our little one. This pregnancy was so perfect. The timing was just right. Every doctor appointment came with great measurements and strong heartbeats. Finding out she was a girl brought an even greater excitement to our families, as neither family had had a girl in quite some time. When we started to feel her move, it was the best feeling in the world.  For hours on end we would talk about her. We would imagine what our life would be like with her, try to guess who she would look like, make big plans for her and her future. We fell so deeply in love with her so quickly. Just before Thanksgiving, Baby Llamas became less active than usual, but after a 4D ultrasound in which we saw her moving around, and several strong heartbeat and measurement checkups, all seemed perfectly normal and healthy. I was loving being pregnant and we were so excited to become parents.

On Wednesday, December 17th, we went in for a routine 32 week check-up where we quickly learned that our baby girl's heart had stopped beating. After a detailed ultrasound for measurements, the doctor believed that she had passed sometime in the last two weeks and advised that we induce labor as soon as possible, as my body was already preparing for delivery. When we got home to pack a bag for the hospital, we agreed that together, we needed to be open about this experience. In the work that we do and the lives that we lead, we have an amazing network of people. We figure if sharing our story can help anyone out there, then it is our duty to tell the world. This openness is also a way for us to mourn and heal. 

We were admitted into the hospital at 8pm and I was induced shortly after. My parents and sister, along with Juan's mom and sister were all there to surround us with their love and support. Hector and Nicole even came by to offer hugs and support. The amount of love we were surrounded by kept us calm and readied us for the difficult times that were to come. Sofia Fe entered the world at 5:55am on Thursday December 18th. Her delivery was so beautiful and peaceful. Juan stood by my side holding my hand, while my mom and sister stood behind him. As I pushed, I was filled with such calmness and peace. Tears streamed down my face as I put my entire faith in God and gave thanks for my support circles, starting with my rock, Juan. I have no doubt that every prayer from those who had already heard the news was being answered in that delivery room at that moment. The calm, quiet peace that was present in that moment was the perfect tribute to our little angel. As soon as Dr. Teng held Sofia in her hands, she knew the cause of death. At the base of the umbilical cord, right where her belly button would be, Sofia's cord was twisted incredibly tight. So tight, the necessary oxygen, blood, and nutrients were not able to get to her. They call it a cord accident. Dr. Teng believes that Sofia simply flipped and twirled herself too much in there.  There was nothing that could have been done to prevent this, or treat it, and thus, our little dancer got her angel wings. 

The hours that followed made Thursday December 18th the most amazing, most magical, most peaceful, and most difficult day of my life.  We spent the entire day loving on our little Sofia. At 2 pounds, 12.4 ounces and 15.5 inches, this little one quickly stole our hearts. She has Daddy's eyes and nose, with Mommy's lips and chin. Her full head of hair is dark and curly. Her hands are like Daddy's, while her thighs and booty are surely from her mama.  She is a perfect blend of the two of us. All day I could not stop touching and kissing her soft, chubby cheeks, and staring at her adorable nose. I just could not get enough! We are so blessed that the hospital reached out to a non-profit organization, "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" to come in and take professional photos of her. We cannot wait to see the moments they caught, and cherish those images forever.

Throughout the day we were surrounded by continuous love and support, both via text messages and visitors. In addition to my parents and sister, and Juan's mom and sister, Casey and Monet joined us, as well as Christina, and even Maiya (at the end of the night). Being surrounded by such love gave us peace and filled us with God's grace. Together we all laughed and cried. We stared at Sofia, and took turns passing her around for kisses and hugs. It is a day that will never be forgotten.

After hearing we were married at St. Andrew's in Pasadena, the hospital reached out to the church who then sent over Father Corral, the priest who married us. He arrived with hugs and words of wisdom. He blessed and baptized our little angel with holy water, and anointed her little head with oil. Once again God's grace shined upon us. This was such a special moment, and to be done by the man who led us through our vows was just perfect. 

The hospital also sent a social worker to answer our questions and give us some advice about dealing with all that is to come. This was yet another blessing offered by this hospital. Once again we were surrounded by more love, words of wisdom, support and peace. God's grace continued to fill the room and our hearts. 

Before we knew it, the day had passed. While the hospital gave us as much time as we wanted with Sofia, by about 6pm, we knew it was time to let go of her body, and simply hold her spirit with us in our hearts. This part of the day was hardest for me. The entire day had been such a joyous celebration of her, and now I had to say goodbye. For the last hour with her I did not take my eyes off of her. I kissed every finger, every toe, her nose, her cheeks, her forehead. I held her hand and let myself feel every emotion that came upon me. My sister, Juan's sister, my mom, Juan's mom, and my dad all said their goodbyes and gave her kisses before giving us the room to embrace our last minutes with her. Together we held her, talked to her, kissed her, cried over her, smiled at her, prayed for her, thanked her, and promised her that we would take good care of each other. 

Her time with us was short, but her impact on our hearts is permanent. She made us parents. She made us stronger parents than we ever thought we'd be. She taught us true love, and showed us how God's grace can get us through even the toughest of times. That is why her name is Sofia Fe. Fe, because faith got us through that difficult day, and will continue to get us through as we mourn this great loss. 

Through this entire experience, we have been surrounded by the love and support of so many. We are comforted in knowing how loved our little angel is. We know that the road ahead will be a rough one, but we are committed to taking it one day at a time, and feeling every emotion that comes along the way. We will take this journey publicly, as a way to both offer and ask for support.  We will be forever grateful for our little angel. In her short time, she taught us so much about love and parenting. We are better people because of her, both individually, and as a couple. We are comforted in knowing she's dancing away up in heaven and someday we will be reunited and dance together.

To those of you who have children of your own, please give them an extra hug and kiss today. They are beautiful miracles and bring us hope and happiness.

The Llamas Family - December 18, 2014


  1. Amy and Juan, I am so sorry for your loss. Your strength is amazing. You're in my thoughts and heart. -Ledis

  2. Thank you, Amy. This is beautiful. I will continue to pray for you and Juan. Much love, Kathi

  3. Thank you for telling your story…I know its not exactly the same, but I lost a baby at about 15 weeks this year. Body was perfectly formed, we were to find out the sex soon. I could already feel some movement. I didn't hold him, couldn't keep his body…but I have 2 pictures and footprints to remind me he is real. My heart goes out. Prayers and hugs. ( I am a friend of Cami through Heritage Makers)
    This is my story. I do hug my little ones a little tighter thinking of the one that couldn't stay.
